Welcome to the Golden Hour Diaries! I have set myself the task / challenge / streak of logging my daily golden hours from January 1, 2021. The idea is to put concepts of strategic time and deep work into practice, and show real examples of how this can work, even when schedules are pushed to the max!
It was good start to the new year. We managed a family walk on new year's day where my husband and I were actually able to talk about our goals. We 'coincidentally' both divided up our goals into the three categories of work, self and relationships, as per Laura Vanderkam. My work goals list always seems to go on and on. I end up putting about 5 projects into one category just so the list looks manageable. We usually discuss holidays and socials at this time of year too - a pretty short conversation this year!
I always have a strong urge to declutter at this time of year. I’m not sure if decluttering counts as golden time - its a fine line between every day tidying up and something which sets you and your family up for better living. We managed a couple of days of really resetting the house, especially the kid's spaces. The benefits were immediate. The kids were able to find and direct their activities and tidy them away more easily. The result - more golden time for everyone!
However, much of this decluttering urge was swallowed up by the reality of lockdown and homeschooling. Work hours now again need to be negotiated with my husband, who is in his busiest month of the year! As the reality of weeks/months of homeschooling was sinking in, I did a 3pm walk and talk on the phone with a friend from my masters (also a coach). We took 30 mins each to coach each other. The shadows were long, the air was crisp, and there were beams of sunlight making their way through the trees. A golden hour for sure. The next morning I woke up feeling so much clearer on what matters this January, and the tiny regular steps I can take towards it.
I love the idea that a
Fri, Jan 1: 11am family walk, discussed goals
Sat, Jan 2: 10am alone walk listening to Cal Newport's podcasts
Sun, Jan 3: 9am 30mins run + afternoon 30 mins with my planner doing goals for the year
Mon, Jan 4: 8am - 2 hours reviewing our article ahead of submission later this week (with coffee)
Tues, Jan 5: 1 hour more deep work on article
Weds, Jan 6: 1 hour article; 30 mins before bed with new planner,
Thurs, Jan 7th: 2 hours final review of article; 3pm walk and phone chat with coaching friend
Till next time!